Sunday, October 7, 2012

Engagement Pictures!

Here they are! Some of Jerome and I's engagement pictures taken at Mingo Park! Can you tell how excited I am by all the exclamation points I'm using?!?!

But before we start... I have to tell you that taking engagement pictures is not as easy I imagined it. I thought that I was well prepared as I have spent many hours examining photos on Pinterest. However, once Jerome and I started trying to pose in front of both my sisters and my did not come so naturally. There was a lot of awkward embracing, kissing, and quite a few laughing hysterically at ourselves, none of which resulted in us looking good on camera. 

If you know me, what happened next won't come as much of a shock, and if you don't know me well, let's just say I have a flair for being dramatic. I may have had a minor meltdown that resulted in a few tears being shed. It was out of frustration people, and we were competing with the setting sun, and I got a little stressed! Totally normal...(don't roll your eyes). You'll be glad to know after my meltdown, I got my sh*t together and we proceeded on with the shoot. And luckily, we did get some great shots thanks to my mom, who helped direct us, my sister Kassy, who held the lighting thing (shiny, circular object that reflects light?) and pulled up Pinterest on her phone, and mostly Heather, who took and edited these wonderful photos. Oh and Jerome of course. Who unfathomably and thankfully, puts up with the craziness, and loves me still.

We're also going to be doing more sessions, so stay tuned for a different shoot.
And finally...HERE ARE OUR PICTURES!!!! :)

One of my favorites <3

Oh you know, just Jerome being Jerome. 

And they lived happily ever after. Or until we fight over what to put on TV or who's doing the dishes...but mostly happily ever after. 

Your pre-marital meltdown bride-to-be,

PS- My sister, Heather Spirik took these pictures. This is her website:    She also does senior pictures or whatever you want really. So feel free to contact to her. 


  1. Hi! I love your pictures and I'm actually hoping to get married at Robin Hill also ( that's how I found your blog. ) and I was curious if you could pass my contact information into your sister. I saw her website but no contact info there to email her at! If shed be interested I might want her to do my wedding! I love her style and vision. My email is Thanks so much!

  2. So beautiful engagement photographs!! Truly they had mesmerizing engagement photo session. Wonderful work! Hey, I am in love with this spot. I also want to rent such gorgeous Seattle Wedding venues for reception party. So excited for my dream wedding!
